Elements of Minimalism: A Do Not Want List

It’s that time of year when writers (and others) feel compelled to sum up, to present the results of the past calendar year as an offset for whatever slacking off or failures mounted up over that same time.

Not gonna do that. Instead, I’d like to present my anti-wish list, my official Do Not Want for 2015, in the hopes of reducing my stress footprint and also possibly optimizing the square footage of my home. Cluttered space, cluttered brain.


For example, there is a hand-me-down telescope taking up the space of an actual human being in my living room at this time. Why? Because I share my space with other people who have different priorities, and by different I mean we live in a part of Northern California where the skies are almost permanently obscured. Morlocks have a better view of the sky than we do. But, science! OK.

For another example, the style guides. Have I mentioned that I love hard copy style guides? The physical heft of their authority, the creamy page stock. I don’t so much love having to get up and fetch one when I need it, but in my experience online guides are often more difficult to use than they should be. CMoS and friends are engulfing my shelf space, however, which means some other stuff has got to go. I already recycled the thesaurus (who the hell uses those anymore?), but I know there are some freeloaders hanging out in the stacks that serve no purpose at all. Norton anthologies? You’re next.

And now, on to the list.

1. Vague jobs. They are so much more trouble than they’re worth, and often the clients who bring them to me without sharply delineated instructions tend to have a very fuzzy idea of what they want as an end result and are therefore never quite satisfied. Do you know what you want and when you want it? Do you have a clear plan for the project after I return it to you? Let’s do business.

2. Guilt-induced pro bono work. I need to make room for some “nos” and possibly a lot more delegation. What makes it hard to say “no”?

3. Control issues. Difficult to avoid those when your job involves making things perfect; my challenge for the coming year will be to distinguish between the handful of things I’m getting paid to polish to a high gloss and everything else. There must be a prayer for that, like what the alcoholics have.

4. Abandoned furniture, housewares, and hardcover fiction. It’s amazing what people will put out on the sidewalk. Really great stuff. What’s more amazing is that I continue to take it in when I find it despite an evident lack of space. I need to have faith that things will find their home in the universe without my assistance, or else start up an eBay shop (like I have time for that).

5. Things that don’t work. My house is filled with items that are slightly broken; they kind of work, if you do that thing and hold them just right. In the spirit of reducing consumption I dislike throwing things away that aren’t completely useless, and that attitude has caused me a fair amount of trouble. When I sort out all the physical objects that aren’t pulling their weight in my household, I’ll move on to the metaphorical slackers.

6. Cetacean time wasters. There are minor time wasters and harmless avoidance behavior, like Buzzfeed and YouTube and organizing the spice cabinet, and then there’s rereading Moby-Dick as a requisite for starting one’s master’s thesis, which has no mention of Melville, whales, or nautical history. Yes, I did that, and I did finish my thesis more or less on time, but that was many years ago, when free time was abundant and mental energy seemed infinite. And I had solid reasons for picking up that book at that time as a palate cleanser before beginning work; I wish I could remember them because they were probably awesome. Or terrible, whichever.


To sum up, yes, there is a pattern here, and it involves saying “yes” to the wrong opportunities and not saying “no,” or “thanks, but I couldn’t possibly,” or “are you freaking kidding me with that?” Therefore, in 2015, be advised: I am saying “no” to all bloated, amorphous, Kraken-sized time sucks without fair compensation. I am saying “no” to what is damaged beyond repair, redundant, or takes up more space than it deserves.

I will be uttering a joyful “yes!” to all challenging but concrete projects, as many as I can fit in (but no more), and to any number of minnow-sized time wasters. Those are beneficial to the creative process and take up no more space than the flame after a candle is blown out.

Happy New Year! May your 2015 be fun and productive.


It Happened in the Library

Or, Share Your Books

After a punishing couple of days (OK, weeks) getting projects off my screen and back to their authors, I found myself at loose ends and therefore suggestible this morning at my kids’ school. Does this happen to you? Anyway, another parent took advantage of my fragile state and talked me into helping put stickers on books in the middle school library. Doesn’t matter why—something to do with standardized tests.

So I stuck the stickers and talked to the librarian, who recommended this book. A lot of my clients write YA, and I live with some people who are or shortly will be reading books in that category, so I’m always interested in YA books outside the standard “my life sucks and here’s why” trope. Yes, Little Brother is ages old but still relevant, which is what makes good SF great. If you clicked the link (go on, click it), you found out that the book is free to download. I may still ask my fourth-grader to get it out of the library for me because I dislike reading on screens for entertainment. Ironically, the author of that book that you haven’t clicked to yet is the first person to clearly explain to me why I hate e-readers and why my parents’ generation thinks they are the greatest invention since the remote control.


Basically, it’s because people who use computers as part of their livelihood are doing a lot of things on them at the same time. We click back and forth, running programs in the background, taking email/Twitter/YouTube breaks. Some well-meaning anthropologists, psychologists, and alarmists have undoubtedly written articles on why that’s bad for us, but the real problem is that in front of the computer screen is not a place where we feel comfortable reading for a long stretch. Now a book made out of paper, that’s a signal to the brain to sit still and focus on the words until we get bored or someone interrupts us.

Those who grew up in a simpler era known as the Age Before Microwaves, however, have an easier time of it because an e-reader screen does not put them into a multi-task, short-attention-span mindset. It’s a book. Also? They’re retired, the lucky bastards, so they can sit around all day and read for fun. Much like fourth-graders.

Download the book, or buy a paper copy, or seek it out at your local library, but do at least read the introduction to the digital version, which is about the difference between sharing and stealing, between disseminating and violating. It’s about lighting a spark and the great feeling you get when someone comes back to you and says, “I freaking LOVED that book! I’m going to buy my own copy and everything else that person wrote, like ever.” Which is almost as great a feeling as finding such a book in the first place. If that’s not a good enough reason, consider this: giving away a book these days is an act bordering on subversive.

Leave the politics and rhetoric of intellectual property for the attorneys, who are the only ones making money from the argument, and go share your favorite book with someone in whatever way you see fit. Especially if that someone is a kid—that spark is the most likely to start a lifelong fire.


My Cat Can Save Your Story

For some reason, I can’t read books about writing books. I went to graduate school to learn how to get better at writing books, and do you know what we read there? Actual books, about silkworms or falling in love or dying in wars. That would be my recommendation to anyone else. One exception I’ve found is books about writing screenplays, maybe because most screenwriters are more transparent about why they write: it’s about getting paid, not so much about honing one’s craft or changing the world with the magic of prose. Also, screenplays have more rules than novels; they are defined by their form like a villanelle or a 12-bar blues progression (more about which later).

Anyway, I’ve found two excellent, intelligent, and above all short books about how to write a better screenplay that translate very well to novel writing. Neither of these books, singly or together, will turn you into a rich and famous author, but they will at least buy you a ticket in the lottery.



My Story Can Beat Up Your Story, by Jeffrey Alan Schechter

This book is invaluable when it comes to writing strong, identifiable characters and compelling situations. It’s amazing how easy it is when you reduce your story to the simplest possible terms, which you will need to do anyway if you want to write a successful pitch, more about which later.




Save the Cat! by Blake Snyder

This is another quick and easy read that will make you want to smack yourself in the face and rhetoricate*,”It’s so obvious! How did I not think of that?” Seriously. Got a plot problem? This book will show you how to fix it.

If the usual how-to books and “writers on writing” monographs written by famous authors when they were strapped for cash or ideas work for you, great! Use them. If you find them as tiresome as I do and have limited patience and discretionary reading time, try these out and let me know what you think. If you love movies and have an encyclopedic knowledge of plot twists, so much the better.

*No, I did not make that word up. I thought I had, but it turns out someone else got there first.

Summer Vacation Book Report

Hey! Hi! I’m back. I saw lots of these:


And one of these:


And I did a lot of reading for fun. The book I want to tell you about was originally written in the 1980s and reprinted in 2001. It’s called Always Coming Home by Ursula K. Le Guin. Now, you may read the description and decide that it’s just not your cup of tea, and that’s fine, but if you are a writer of fiction you owe it to yourself to at least locate a hard copy of this book and read the table of contents. It will show you that there is more than one way to structure a novel. Story aside, I love the way this book is presented. Some books don’t need a lot of exposition to get the tale across; for others, the back story is the story. If you’re struggling with ways to cram your rich history into bite-sized pieces of dialogue, stop now. Give the details the space and time they deserve.

Notes from the field coming soon!